Thursday, February 10, 2011


After attempting to build the project all weekend with no success and researching possible problems for hours, I got into the classroom and tried to show my teammates the problem, so I used the exact same terminal commands that I had been using all worked on the first attempt!  In a way, it was frustrating, but I am really happy to have the project built.  Our project uses git, and it has a repository within the main repository called "fortune engine."  That was where my problem lay; I had to get the files from that repository by updating the git submodule using the terminal.  I kept getting the same error, which was something like "no socket available."  I researched what could cause this error, and the main consensus was that I had a firewall up that blocked the connection between my computer and the repository.  I'm not sure what it really was; it could have been as simple as my internet connection is too slow at home.

Whatever the issue was, I have the game running now.  To build the project, all you have to do is cd to the folder that contains the "MafhActivity" and run it by terminal using the "python" command.  Something that we thought was weird about the project was that we cannot see the whole game on our laptop screens, and the game cannot be resized.  We asked Jonathon (the Fortune Hunter guru) about this problem and he said that the game is made specifically for the XO laptops, and that is the resolution that they need.  He jokingly said that the only fix would be to get better computers... although I think that he was not joking.

Fortune Hunter only has two active bugs at the moment, so that made it easy for us to decide.  One of them was that once the player got into a certain dungeon, he couldn't move around in there.  We thought that this could be too difficult to find the source of the problem.  Instead, we chose the bug about the "scan" function.  Players have the ability to attack, perform magic, or scan an enemy.  The scan function should show the enemy's weakness and the number of hit points left.  However, when you scan now (which we have done now in the game) it instantly kills the enemy.  Not only does it attack when it should not, it doesn't even show the enemy's weakness or hit points left. 

We thought that this was a bug that we might be able to fix.  We have started looked at the source code that involves the scan function.  We found the def of scan in a python file.  It seems to be correct.  That means that the source of the problem is that the scan function is not actually called.  When the player hits the "scan" button, it must call attack or something.  That is our current theory, we shall know soon enough with further investigation.

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